FitMoney’s newly revamped online certificate platform offers an interactive learning experience for students. The FinanciallyFit Certificate will equip kids for various future plans from college to career. It is the perfect addition to a resume and LinkedIn to verify extensive financial knowledge and money preparedness. Â
Available for students in elementary and high school (English or Spanish), the program includes 12 modules featuring key financial literacy concepts to empower all students towards their own financially fit future.Â
This self-directed program covers loans, insurance, investing, credit and credit scores, analyzing paychecks, discovering how to pay taxes and how much to pay, payment types and apps, and much more.​
Duration: 12 modules
Recurrence: Self-pacedÂ
Session Length: 1-hour per/day for 5 days
Age: Available for students in elementary and high school (English or Spanish).Â
About FitMoney:
FitMoney is a philanthropic nonprofit who provides free, unbiased financial literacy programs to help K-12 students develop life skills for a financially fit future.